Sunday, October 6, 2013

What's New With PeepOoie? Oh, I'll tell you!

So there have been some big changes from the PeepOoie frontlines.  LOL  First off, I got my website up and running.  It's great, and you can find it here:

Click picture to go to my website!
It's super exciting to finally have that going.  As it turns out, designing a website isn't my first skill...

Also, PeepOoie Cloth Diapers is also now on Twitter.  Come on and follow me!

Click photo to find me on Twitter.

And of course I have my facebook page.

Click picture to find me on Facebook!!
On top of finally getting all of these things together, I'm also moving my sewing room from the Batcave, upstairs back into the light!  Truth is, my kids have a lot of toys, and we're making my office into a playroom in the basement so it's not just a sea of toys throughout the entire downstairs.

I'm bringing back organization to our lives that has been a bit lacking for the last...five + years...

So now I'm sewing at the kitchen table, and honestly I feel like a lot more sewing is being done this way.  I'm not having to get up and leave the room to check on them playing, like I did downstairs.  Now they can be back at the table with me while I work.  I missed it!

I'm excited to finally have so many ways for people to find my business online.  There will be a few more steps being taken toward my goal, in the not too distant future.  It's just all great stuff!

Now that I've got you all caught up, I'll get back to sewing those little cute diapers I have stacked on my table!!

Lots of love to all of you,