Tuesday, July 23, 2013

So Now I Have A Blog For My Diapers.

As you can see, I have chosen the Batcave for my background on this blog. Why is that? Oh, well because the Batcave is awesome, that's why.
In reality, the only similarity my actual sewing room has to the Batcave is the underground location. I sew in my basement. :)

This is a shot of my sewing desk, and my little corner of the room I use for making diapers.  One day when my husband is kind enough to bring in my stand-up shelf from the garage, I'll get my fabric set up the way I would like it, and I'll take a picture of that too.  (Soon...I heard talk of it this morning...)

In the back you can see my storage for ready to ship diapers in one, and a smaller one that holds random things I have nowhere else to put.  The goal is to empty the diapers out of that storage tower, and only have to use it for a few minutes between listing them, and packaging them.  One day, maybe.

I'm going to use this blog as a way to show you what goes on here, and let you into my life a little bit.  I'm also going to use this as a place to post giveaways, and whatnot.  In the next blog post I'll tell you more about me, and why I started making cloth diapers.

I hope you stick around, and enjoy my blog.


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