Friday, August 9, 2013

My plan worked out, and I couldn't be more happy!!!

So I've been hinting that there is some great and wonderful new development on the diaper front, and it's time to tell you what it is.  But, like any good story, I'm going to have to just tell you a couple of things first.  Hahaha...

First off, when I started making cloth diapers, I had SIX sizes.  LOL  Seriously, it was a huge pain, but I wanted the diapers to fit as well as disposables do...but as I'm sure anyone who has ever bought sposies knows, babies don't stay in one size of diaper long...sometimes they skip entire sizes.  And keeping track of six sizes was a nightmare.
So I whittled it down to four sizes.  (Small, Medium, Large, Toddler.)  Which is still what I have listed in my etsy shop right now.  The sizes are precise, and fit the weights I have listed PERFECTLY.  From the start, what mattered to me, more than anything, was that the diapers fit properly so Baby is comfortable.  When they fit the way they should, they keep the wet and mess INSIDE the diaper.  Like they're supposed to.  I can honestly say, I couldn't be more happy with the 3rd generation of diapers.  (Love them!!)

But.  People don't want to buy four sizes.  Everyone else offers OS diapers that they claim fit a NB to a potty learning toddler.  I call bullshit!!  I've yet to personally purchase a cloth diaper that ACTUALLY fits up to the weight they say it fits to.  The general rule seems to be, if it fits a baby, it's NOT going to fit your matter what they tell you!!  

But guess what??  I found a way.  :D  Yes, this is the big news...

What I've done is once again, is whittled my selection down to two sizes.
One for newborns (Small), which will cover from birth to 16 lbs.  

And, a ONE SIZE diaper that will fit 16-45+ lbs.

I know it sounds crazy.  I know it does.  But with the self-made pattern I use, it really does make a one size diaper that properly fits the bum of a baby, and the bum of an older toddler.  Not only that, the leg opening is perfect for children in that weight range, and with three sets of snaps down the front, you can lower the rise up to 3 inches!!

16 lb. little prince in PeepOoie OS cloth diaper
I've been working on this little number for about a month, since my son decided that he thought it would be funny to try on one of his little sister's diapers.  I was shocked when it fit him because he's 45 lbs.  So I put it on his twin sister who is 34 lbs.  It fit.  And it fits our little one who is 24 lbs.  It got me to thinking.
A very slight adjustment to the pattern, and TADA!!  A perfect OS diaper.

My 24 lb. little stinker
So.......what does this mean for YOU??  Let me tell you.

Starting tonight at 7pm, all Medium and Large diapers in my etsy shop will be on sale for $20 plus shipping, to make room in my bins for this enormous stack of OS diapers I have ready to sew.
The Med. and Lg. diapers are all perfectly made, and fit better than any diapers I've ever found in my life, but what people want are OS diapers, not sized diapers, and the ones I will be offering at my next listing will be fantastic.

I'll see you at 7pm!!

**Stay tuned...I'll be publishing my website in the next week, and you'll be able to see the whole range of wear in this OS diaper.**

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